Within an hour (7 PM, Warsaw Time) the registrations will be open here: http://bgtimesport.pl/zawody/zgloszenie/id/197. Just to remind you few most important things.

1) Please read the regulations. Remember that once you registered you cannot give/sell you package to anyone. There's only reimbursement procedure possible.

2) Tickets to get to the start area/from the finish line are available here: http://sklep.ultralemkowyna.pl/34-bilety. It will be possible to buy them till September 10th. The store is only in Polish, but we will try to translate it soon.

3) Register procedure: first you fill the entry form (http://bgtimesport.pl/zawody/zgloszenie/id/197), then you need to pay the entry fee, so we get it within 7 days from your registration. Please note the international transfers take some more time. If you're not sure the money are on time, send us the payment confirmation.


We wish you successful preparations!